Fridge freezers are essential components in any household kitchen and selecting one suited to your family depends on several factors, from feeding quantities and storage needs to integrated models designed to blend seamlessly into fitted kitchens. In today’s post, we take a look at the best 50 50 Fridge Freezer in UK for domestic use.

Refrigerators equipped with optimal humidity technology help ensure food stays fresh for longer, while smart tech ensures it cools quickly after being stored away. Look out for fridges with salad bins, convenient bottle balconies, and movable safety glass shelves to maximize this efficiency.

Hotpoint 245 Litre Freestanding 50 50 Fridge Freezer

The Hotpoint HBNF55181WAQUAUK fridge freezer is an efficient and stylish appliance, boasting an ample 152L net fridge capacity and 93L net freeze capacity to provide ample room for all of your groceries and treats. The refrigerator cavity features three glass shelves to store dairy, meats, treats as well as keep vegetables at an ideal temperature in order to preserve freshness. Finally, its Fresh Zone drawer ensures all vegetables remain at an optimum temperature so as to preserve freshness.

Frost Free Technology makes life simpler by eliminating the need for manual defrosting, saving both time and effort. Thanks to separate air flow, this model also prevents any transference of odour or flavour between refrigerator and freezer – leaving your food tasting deliciously.

The Hotpoint 245 Litre Freestanding 50 50 Fridge Freezer comes equipped with an in-door water dispenser so you can enjoy cold, refreshing refreshment at the push of a button. Furthermore, its low energy usage makes this appliance very economical for your household bills.

Hotpoint Freestanding Fridge Freezer in White is an elegant appliance tailored to the needs of your family with its tall design and white finish. Featuring door reversal technology that lets you change the direction of the door as needed.

Beko CRFG3552W 50/50 Frost Free Fridge Freezer

Beko’s 50/50 fridge freezer is ideal for anyone seeking extra freezer space in their kitchen. With its reversible doors, you can place it virtually anywhere within your kitchen, and its four shelves and door racks offer ample room to store food – not to mention two large salad crispers and an elegant wire wine rack! In addition, its handy freezer compartment offers access to ice cubes without the need for separate ice trays, saving both time and space!

Frost free technology means never having to defrost your freezer again! And with Freezer Guard built into this appliance, ambient temperatures as low as -15degC should not pose an issue when keeping your fridge freezer in an unheated space such as your garage.

Beko refrigerators are designed to improve both the aesthetics and functionality of any kitchen, featuring fingerprint-resistant surfaces, digital displays and LED lighting that help elevate its aesthetics and functionality. Their cutting-edge technologies help save energy and money with features like Zone Temperature adjustability and IonGuard technology that protects food longer by eliminating odors.

Before purchasing any Beko product, carefully read through their standard guarantee terms and conditions outlined on this booklet’s back cover or online.

Indesit IBD5517B Fridge Freezer

With its impressive A+ energy rating, this Indesit IBD5517SUK1 50/50 Fridge Freezer was created with both your bills and food in mind. Boasting 153 Litres of Refrigeration space (Net) and an 82 Litre Freezer compartment – including 4 drawers to store additional frozen goods simultaneously!

Indesit has created this appliance to make kitchen tasks effortless. Reversible doors allow you to choose left or right opening for ease of access, while LED lighting makes locating foods and drinks quickly easier.

Optimal Humidity Technology continually adjusts humidity levels in order to prevent your foods from drying out, helping ensure their texture and flavor remain intact. Meanwhile, Super Freeze feature quickly freezes foods in order to preserve nutrients and flavor.

This Indesit 50 50 fridge freezer was also created to minimize noise pollution, operating at just 38dB(A). Your dinnertime conversation will remain undisturbed by this refrigerator as its quiet operation keeps everyone focused on the task at hand. Furthermore, its manufacturer provides an impressive 10-Year parts and labour guarantee; so you won’t ever be left disappointed with this 50/50 Fridge Freezer!

Candy 227 Litre 50 50 Freestanding Fridge Freezer

The Candy 227 Litre 50 50 Freestanding Fridge Freezer is ideal for any kitchen with its capacity of 114 litres in the fridge and 71 litres in the freezer. Being manual defrost, any ice build-up must be manually removed by you; however this approach is safer than opting for an automatic frost free model which may restrict food storage space.

Candy fridge freezers are designed with maximum flexibility in mind, featuring adjustable anti-spill glass shelves, an extra large salad crisper and door balconies to maximise storage space. LED lighting offers enhanced visibility while lasting longer and consuming 15 times less electricity than a standard bulb.

This freezer features an intuitive water dispenser which doesn’t require plumbing – simply fill up your tank as necessary to enjoy perfectly chilled water! Furthermore, there’s also an energy-saving holiday mode which switches off all freezer sections to save on energy usage during your absence.

At the time of writing, this Candy refrigerator freezer had an estimated retail price range of £200 to £280. The The Candy 227 Litre 50 50 Freestanding Fridge Freezer is available in white with an energy efficiency rating of A+.

Fridgemaster Total No Frost Fridge Freezer

If you need a reliable 50 50 Fridge Freezer that covers all the basics, the Fridgemaster MC55251MS 50/50 Total No Frost Fridge Freezer could be ideal. Equipped with an alarm and reversible doors to fit seamlessly into any kitchen layout, as well as front temperature controls via slim touchscreen display for convenient temperature management, Super Cool and EasyFresh features will keep food fresher for longer.

With its generous capacity of up to 13 bags of groceries, this fridge freezer has plenty of room for Sunday roast chicken or movie night snacks. Thanks to the CrispZone drawer you’ll also keep extra berries fresher for breakfast and the Holiday Mode feature will reduce energy use and odours while you’re away.

Hisense 55cm Freestanding 50/50 Fridge Freezer

Hisense refrigerator freezers often offer great value despite not boasting elaborate food storage features, and this RB335N4WG1 model from Hisense is no different. This Hisense 55cm Freestanding 50 50 Fridge Freezer boasts solid test results, stylish looks and an affordable price point.

Reversible doors and a slimline design ensure the Hisense 55cm Freestanding 50 50 Fridge Freezer can fit into tight spots easily, and its A energy rating reduces bills while simultaneously protecting fresh produce.

Inside you’ll discover an attractive non-plumbed water dispenser on the front panel and plenty of storage space for all of your favorite foods. A handy control dial gives you full temperature control while an elegant wine rack resides in the fridge compartment. Furthermore, Total No Frost keeps the interior frost-free with intelligent multi air flow technology, eliminating build-ups so there will never be need to defrost again!

Hoover HOCT3L517FSK 50/50 Fridge Freezer

Hoover 50 50 Fridge Freezer makes keeping your groceries in mint condition simple with their Total No Frost technology, eliminating time consuming manual defrosting. Instead, jets circulate cold air to reduce ice build-ups.

Refrigerator space offers plenty of storage with two adjustable glass shelves and an extra-large transparent salad crisper, as well as three flexible door balconies to maximise fresh food storage space. Plus, the A+ energy rating helps keep bills down while still delivering exceptional performance!

The Hoover 50 50 Fridge Freezer is a 101 litre net capacity appliance that comes equipped with four transparent drawers so you can quickly find what you’re searching for, while its flame retardant metal back panel offers added peace of mind.

Zanussi Freestanding 50/50 Fridge Freezer

If space is tight but you want to ensure food remains at peak freshness, this streamlined black fridge freezer may be perfect. While not a sleek or fancy model, the Zanussi Freestanding 50 50 Fridge Freezer does look smart while boasting enough capacity to compete with bigger American-style fridges.

MultiFlow technology ensures consistent temperatures across your fridge-freezer, with multiple air channels circulating to evenly reach all shelves and compartments – keeping food fresher for longer, while defrosting will become quicker and simpler than before!

Refrigerator storage in the Zanussi Freestanding 50 50 Fridge Freezer includes three adjustable height shelves and a clear perspex vegetable/fruit container. Freezer capacity stands at an impressive 106 litre net volume, divided into four drawers – including one that is deeper for large frozen items like joints of meat.

IceKing 48cm Freestanding Fridge Freezer

Built with you in mind, this white fridge freezer is easy to keep clean with its sleek design and convenient features such as its salad crisper drawer and reversible doors. Furthermore, its intelligent technology prevents frost build-up so defrosting won’t be necessary as often!

This spacious 87/55 litre fridge freezer features two adjustable glass shelves that are easily adjusted to accommodate different sized items, and three balconies in its door for tall bottles, cartons and jars.

IceKing 48cm Freestanding 50 50 Fridge Freezer comes with smart features to help extend the fresh food’s shelf life, such as temperature controls that optimise humidity levels to extend shelf life and superCooling buttons that lower temperatures for an adjustable period – perfect when storing recently purchased groceries!

What to look for in a new Fridge Freezer

If you prefer 50 50 fridge freezer models with equal capacity between food storage and freezing space, they often come equipped with 50/50 split models. You could also opt for 60/40 or 70/30 models if more fridge space is desired – perfect for meal prepper.

Consider fridge-freezers that feature adjustable shelves and drawers so that you can customise their storage to meet your specific needs. This gives you more storage flexibility to accommodate bottles and cartons upright or tall items, as well as smaller, fiddlier bits. Many models also feature door-access bins which come in handy when it comes to storing loose food like ketchup or mayonnaise.

Consider choosing a model with an auto defrost system to save you time and effort. These systems work by circulating cool air throughout the cabinet, keeping temperatures steady while stopping ice from forming, eliminating manual defrosting.

Notable features to look out for when selecting a refrigerator include glass shelves that are easy to wipe down, LED lighting that keeps the interior cool without overheating it, and door alarms that alert you if either door remains open. Some models also offer unique storage solutions such as door-access bins or wider refrigerator cabinets that make fitting wide cold cut trays simpler.

As part of an eco-friendly strategy, opt for a fridge freezer with energy efficiency ratings. Since July 2022 it’s mandatory for new white goods to carry energy ratings so you can rest assured the most energy efficient models will help cut electricity costs. If you really want to lower energy costs go for one with an A+ or A++ energy rating which has earned maximum efficiency marks from energy rating agencies.

Fridge-freezers with built-in cameras offer additional convenience, enabling you to check inside before your weekly shop, or determine whether more milk needs to be purchased on your way home from work. This innovative technology can also come in handy if you have young children and need to keep an eye on their snacks and beverages.

If you plan on installing your fridge-freezer as part of an integrated kitchen design, try looking for integrated models designed to be placed inside cupboards and fit seamlessly with the other furniture pieces. There is an impressive variety of integrated models on offer in finishes ranging from sleek stainless steel to more subdued gray hues. When purchasing a freestanding model it may be wise to add a bridging cabinet above it in order to form a surround, especially if there is space between existing cabinets.

If your 50 50 fridge freezer will be used regularly for family meals, select one with extra-large drawers to store fruit and vegetables. A MultiBox XXL storage solution offers extra room for larger items like bags of vegetables or watermelons; this convenient storage solution will reduce food waste while cutting your shopping costs.

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